Minutes - October 15, 2024

October 15, 2024

Harney County Chamber Board Meeting
October 15, 2024

Board Members:  Kevin Pryse-President, Natasha Gunn-Vice President, Selené Dobson-Secretary, Jody McLean, Beryl Shea, Brad Attig
Interim Executive Director: Jessica Hedges
Absent: Robert Medley, Bettina Bowman

-12:00 pm Kevin Pryse called the meeting to order.

-Jodi McLean. moved to approve the agenda. Natasha Gunn second the motion. No discussion all approved and motion carried.

-Natasha Gunn. moved to approve the minutes from the October 8, 2024 meeting. Jodi McLean. second the motion. No discussion. All approved and motion carried.

-Treasurer Report:

  • There was no report today. Kevin Pryse verified money in bank and Natasha Gunn updated board on long term CD and current dividends added.
  • Jessica, Kevin and Natasha will be meeting with Robin Moats Wednesday, October 16th.

-Executive Report:

  • Radio Auction updates. Jessica gave updates on tonight's activities and tomorrow's radio auction and discussion. Brad mentioned working with High Desert Partners, encouraging more connection with the chamber and board. Selené asked for verification on radio auction Q&A.
  • Executive Director Search. Updates on progress including radio and other advertising. Discussion about including benefits for the position and posting a salary. Work Source Oregon account has been set up for advertising. There was discussion about listing the salary and the board came to an agreement on this and based on experience.
  • Christmas Jamboree/Insurance. Jessica talked about making this event more of tourism event and re-branding will be needed to do this. Updates on vendors, vendor fees and insurance coverage. Jessica will be talking with the City of Burns about permits for blocking the street between US Bank and Arrowhead Plaza. Advertising ideas including banners were discussed. The Jamboree is a partnership with The Elks and City of Burns. There was a discussion the budget and the most important purchases, especially those we can use year after year. Jessica will work on proposed budget with ideas about using dividends that were mentioned earlier that we earned on long term CD. Brad talked about the importance of a Chamber having only 2 or 3 events that they are known for. Brad also talked about the main street task force, they have different levels and roles and merging with chamber in other communities. Jodi mentioned approaching City of Burns for donations/additional funds. Jessica mentioned business she will approach as well. 
  • Discussion about rescheduling the November meeting. All agreed to keep the date/time of Tuesday, November 19 at noon and move to another location which is TBA.
  • EVOA Grant. Discussion about moving forward to use the grant money. They will be awarded January, 2025. If Chamber is awarded Jessica would like to see it used social media advertising/promotion re branding/regrouping Adventure Harney. There was discussion about how the Skull works with Adventure Harney and how the page has not been updated since the race cancellation. Natasha is willing to help move forward on trying to make the racevhappen in 2025. She will reach out to see which entities want to be involved.
  • Jessica she and Brad will look at restructuring membership and volunteer program.

-Kevin Pryse motioned to adjourn the meeting at 12:56 pm. 

-Next board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 22, 2024 at 11:30 am via Zoom.

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